Maintenance - Emergency
After Hours Emergencies
FAHA Emergency Phone Number 283-3355
Fire (Call 911 First)
Strong Gas Smell (Call Spire First 800-292-4008)
After Hours Maintenance Available for these Problems:
Flooded Apartment
Sewage Stoppage
Commode Stoppage
Broken or Damaged Water Lines
No Electricity in Entire Building
No Heat or Air Conditioning
Broken Window Pane
Unsecured Building
Ruptured Water Heater
Routine Maintenance Available During Office Hours:
Refrigerator not Working (Serviced Next Day If After 6 P.M.) *
No Hot Water (Service the Next Day If After 6 P.M.) *
Clogged Tub or Sink (Service the Next Day If After 6 P.M.) *
Tenant Lock Out (Stops At 8:00pm)
If a tenant requests emergency service after hours and it is not one of the problems listed above, the tenant will be charged with a False Service call charge of $50.00 plus the overtime for the maintenance worker.
*Charges are subject to change